Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So here I find myself locked in a room at the library, working on a paper for Psychology. Sounds like a blast right? Actually, it isn't too bad. I'm kidding. It fucking sucks. The paper is proposing a study on the perceived stress levels of college students from interactions with squirrels. Yep, threw me for a loop too when I thought of it. Hey what the hell right? Anyway my professor loved the idea, so here I am. A nice mug of coffee, a Paper Route station playing on Pandora (They are great by the way - Paper Route - Pandora), and some good old writers block. Though I know where I'm taking the paper, so I guess it's more that I just don't want to write it right now. Well, if there is anyone still reading to this point I applaud you. I probably would have given it up a long time ago. So thank you. I'll leave you with a video that kind of applies to squirrels, but not really. Go figure. It gives me a good laugh every time.

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